Buyers package
Trade of property where the purchase agreement is the Authorized DE Purchase
Agreement made subject to our approval within minimum 4 working days.
Advice and review of all commercial documents.
Checking the deed and refund statement or preparation and registration of the deed and preparation of refund statement.
4.995 .-
VIP Buyer package (The best and all inclusive)
Trade of any kind of property fpr personal use.
Advice in trade where a purchase agreement is available.
Agreement made subject to our approval.
Preparation or check of the deed and refund statement.
No cure no bill.
Also for Project Purchase / Trades Without authorized DE Purchase agreement
5.995 .-
Countryside house/ farm
Trade of property where the purchase agreement is the Authorized DE Purchase Agreement made subject to our approval within minimum 4 working days.
Advice and review of all the commercial documents.
Preparation and registration of the deed and preparation of refund statement.
7.995 .-
Countryside house/ farm
Trade of property where the purchase agreement is not the Authorized DE Purchase Agreement made subject to our approval.
Advice and review of all commercial documents.
Preparation and registration of the deed and preparation of refund statement.No Cure no bill.
8.995 .-
Self-sales – We prepare an authorized DE purchase agreement based on the agreements you have entered into. 8.995 .-
Check your trade package Obtaining and disseminating documents correspondence and dialogue with buyer’s adviser. Preparation or check of the deed and refund statement 3.995 .-
Divorce, New deed transferring the rights to the other owner or to new co-owner 4.995 .-
Seller representation advice, rectification finishing on sale.
Preparation or check of the deed and refund statement.
4.995 .-
Transfer your security deposit to owner association (ejerpantebrev eller skadesløsbrev) 1.995 .-
Power of attorney for Tinglysning of deed 1.595.-
Intern trade, family trade between family connected parts 3.995 .-
All prices include 25% VAT
Registration fee to the state is not included in our fee.
Remember to recommend us to your friends, it keeps the price down.